Soft Tissue Techniques – They are mainly used to relax the fascia and increase circulation to skin and subcutaneous tissue thus relieving stress in the muscles. Using Soft Tissue Techniques we influence so-called soft tissues.

Post Isometric Relaxation (PIR) -  It is a technique that affects muscle spasms and overloaded muscle fibers, especially trigger points while eliminating pain.

Massage - It is a therapy that can treat injuries, relieve pain and stress, improve blood circulation and alleviate tension by applying pressure to the muscles and tissues. Massage is the oldest form of therapy.

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) – Uses knowledge of key principles of human motor behavior that are the expression of central nervous system (CNS) control functions.

SM System -  "Stabilization and Mobilization System" - Uses knowledge of key principles of human motor behavior that are the expression of central nervous system (CNS) control functions.

Kinesiotape – A method used primarily by athletes, but also in the general population to improve microcirculation, affect swelling, joint fixation, fascia treatment, increase or decrease in muscle tone, and so on.

Flossing – Therapy of sports injuries using Flossband, specially designed for athletes of all kinds with possible usage also for the public.

Fascial blades –  intensive treatment of dysfunction caused by fascial tension and fascial fascicles. Designed primarily for athletes but also for the general public.

Physio training – Physiotherapy in sport. Focus on imbalances, errors in exercing, improvement of performance, corrections, strengthening of deep stabilization system, etc.

Functional Diagnosis and Therapy – Focused on the solution of the shoulder, knee, ankle and hip issues by Dr. Bartek Rutowicz to accelerate post-traumatic healing, improve mobility and muscle strength.

Dry needling – Modern treatment designed to ease muscular pain. Practitioners place the needles in ,,trigger points" in your muscle or tissue to relief the pain.
